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Missing PPSE prime found!

The "LLR2 Testing" project, which is currently double-checking suspicious PPSE results from PrimeGrid, has found a missed prime 1369·21118494+1. Congratulations to Derek Gordon!

This prime was initially lost because faulty host returned incorrect result, which was accepted without double-checking in Boinc "adaptive replication" mode.
11 Feb 2025, 17:58:10 UTC

"LLR2 testing": Double-check of PPS project is almost over!

At the moment of writing, only few tasks from PrimeGrid PPS project are unsent. This part is over! During this testing, one prime missed by malfunctioning computer was found.

On the next step, we'll verify suspicious candidates from PrimeGrid PPSE (Proth Prime Search Extended) project. This includes tests for k=1201-9999, n=450K-1.422M (with few tests around 1.5M). There are lot of candidates but tasks itself are very short. For best performance, they should be run single-threaded.
11 Jan 2025, 9:04:02 UTC

An update on "LLR2 testing"

Double-checking of PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search (PPS) tests for k=301-1199, n=1M-2M is finished. No missing primes were found in this range.

Now we're testing last PPS range, k=301-1199, n=2M-2.4M. Finishing it will mean that list of Proth primes maintained at is complete and nothing was missed.

This is a last range of PPS project, but not for this server. Later, testing will continue on PPSE candidates (Proth Prime Search Extended, k=1201-9999, n < 1.4M)
6 Feb 2024, 7:32:56 UTC

Primorial Sieve is now live!

New GPU-only project is alive and running. Please see a thread on PrimeGrid forum for detailed information and discussion.
4 Jan 2024, 22:28:02 UTC

"PRST testing" is over!

The "PRST testing" project is over. All tests has been processed.

In this project we double-checked PrimeGrid PRPNet work on factorial and primorial primes. About 0.4% of original tests were invalid, but no missing primes were found.

Eventually, search for new factorial and primorial primes will be restarted on PrimeGrid.
5 Dec 2023, 15:53:52 UTC

"PRST testing" is almost finished

The "PRST testing" project is almost done. All candidates has been converted to workunits and sent to users. At the time of writing, there are about 9000 tasks still exist in somebody's bunkers. They will be eventually timed out and reissued. But no new work will available anymore.
7 Nov 2023, 17:34:19 UTC

"GFN-1x Small Primes" is finished!

The "GFN-1x Small Primes" project is over. All tasks has been sent, waiting for them to return. No new tasks except resends will be available.
16 Oct 2023, 5:29:59 UTC

New Cunningham Chain of 2nd kind found!

The "GFN-1x Small Primes" found a new Cunningham Chain of 2nd kind. This is a special sequence (p, 2p-1) where both p and 2*p-1 are primes.

First prime 89396295016384+1 was found by Penguin in January 2023. Server automatically checking each prime for few possible sequences, and it was found that 2*89396295016384+1 is also a prime!

This discovery was reported to T5K database and currenly is the largest known Cunningham Chain of 2nd kind (p, 2p-1). Congratulations to Penguin!
9 Feb 2023, 12:00:13 UTC

New application: "PRST testing"

New application, "PRST testing", is available! PRST is a new prime searching program, written from scratch by Pavel Atnashev, author of LLR2. It can test factorial and primorial primes with fast double-check and Gerbicz-Li error detection.

As a first step, we'll double-check PrimeGrid factorial and primorial PrpNet work, testing PRST itself and server-side scripts. Next, it'll be possible to open Boinc projects for factorial and primorial prime searching.

More information can be found on PrimeGrid forum.
10 Jan 2023, 19:59:40 UTC

An update on "LLR2 testing"

We almost finished double-checking of PrimeGrid Proth tests for k ≤ 299 in a whole range. On the next step we'll test k=301-1199, n=1M-2.4M (with small amount of tests below 1M).
This time I want to experiment with order of the search. Instead of testing each k sequentially, we’ll test n < 1M for all k first, then n=1M-2M for all k, and finally n > 2M for all k. It will not change amount of work, only order in which work is done. I may revert to old scheme if handling so many open k’s will be difficult for server.
13 Nov 2022, 14:49:25 UTC

GFN-11 MEGA is finished!

11 June 2022, last GFN-11 MEGA workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+900000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Three GFN-11 MEGA primes (one proven prime, reported to T5K, and two probable primes) were found! Thank you!
11 Jun 2022, 8:16:18 UTC

GFN-11 MEGA prime finally reported!

Our first GFN-11 MEGA prime is finally reported to T5K!. Found March 24 by PDW, it required almost 500 characters to describe it algebraically. This description was too long for T5K. Thanks to hints from Chris K. Caldwell, the prime was finally reported using different notation and is visible on the site now.

A most astounding fact about this prime that we were able to fully factor huge 489-digits "base" of this number, thus making a strong proof that the number is a true prime, not a "probable prime".

Additionally, the project found two more probable primes:
2022-04-08 by robish
2022-05-01 by Coleslaw
Unfortunately, their bases cannot be factored and these numbers cannot be reported. Anyway, congratulations to all discovers!
13 May 2022, 10:03:33 UTC

An update on "LLR2 testing"

We almost completed double-checking of PrimeGrid Proth tests for k=101-299, n=2M-3M, finding a missed prime! On the next step we'll test k=5-299, n=1M-2M (with few tests below 1M). This will eventually make k=5-299 fully double-checked for a whole range.

Note that all tasks from now on will be very small and it's recommended to disable multi-threading for "LLR2 testing" in app_config.xml. It's not efficient with such small tasks and will make your overall performance worse. Just set number of threads to 1. (If you don't know what app_config.xml is or didn't set up multi-threading earlier, you don't need to do anything).
12 Mar 2022, 9:10:56 UTC

Second missed prime found!

The "LLR2 Testing" project, which is currently double-checking suspicious PPS results from PrimeGrid, has found a missed 617676-digits prime 281·22051865+1. Congratulations to Pavel Atnashev!

Unlike first missed prime, which was found within completely untested / occasionally skipped range, this prime was initially lost because faulty host returned incorrect result, which was accepted without double-checking in Boinc "adaptive replication" mode.
8 Mar 2022, 7:13:16 UTC

GFN-11 MEGA will be started 2022-03-02 09:00 UTC

The last project in GFN-MEGA series, GFN-11 MEGA, will be started 02 March 2022, at 09:00 UTC.

Please see a post on PrimeGrid forum for full announcement.

26 Feb 2022, 15:12:54 UTC

"GFN-1x Small Primes" will be restarted 2022-03-02 09:00 UTC

The "GFN-1x Small Primes" project will be restarted 02 March 2022, at 09:00 UTC. In the third phase, we will test GFN-14 from 400M to 2000M. It will be last phase of the project

See PrimeGrid forum post for an announce and first post of the thread for general information about project.
23 Feb 2022, 9:51:57 UTC

HTTPS is supported on the site

This site can now be accessed with HTTPS. The port number is also non-standard, it's 30443.

You don't need to do anything or change anything in client configuration. You can browse any version of the site. The site will automatically redirect you to secure connection when necessary, e.g. when you need to enter passwords or similar important information.

Please report any possible oddities using private messages here or on PrimeGrid.
21 Dec 2021, 11:56:12 UTC

GFN-12 MEGA is finished!

13 November 2021, last GFN-12 MEGA workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+600000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Four GFN-12 MEGA primes were found! Thank you!
13 Nov 2021, 9:34:52 UTC

An update on PPS doublecheck / LLR2 testing

PrimeGrid PPS doublechecking, which is currently running on "LLR2 testing" subproject, almost finished testing of all suspicious candidates above 3M for all k's.

On the next step, we'll continue moving backward. Next range to verify will be 2M-3M, which consist of following subranges:
a) k=5..99, n=2M-3M - 1097913 tests;
b) k=101..299, n=2M-3M - 2199660 tests;
c) k=301..1199, n=2M-2.4M - 4124064 tests;

Despite higher number of tests, each individual test will be noticeable faster. For example, test at n=2M is two times faster than test at n=3M.
7 Oct 2021, 9:48:59 UTC

GFN-13 MEGA is finished!

30 July 2021, last GFN-13 MEGA workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+600000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Five GFN-13 MEGA primes were found! Thank you!
30 Jul 2021, 16:27:41 UTC

GFN-13 MEGA is over, GFN-12 MEGA will be started soon

GFN-13 MEGA is coming to the end. No new tasks will be available soon.

It will be replaced by next project in series, GFN-12 MEGA. Estimated start date for new project was changed to Monday, 26 July, 09:00 UTC.
20 Jul 2021, 19:38:55 UTC

PPS-MEGA double-check finished, PPS DC started

Verification of PPS-MEGA PrimeGrid work (currently running in "LLR2 testing" subproject) is complete! It mean that all PrimeGrid work which can produce a Mega prime (n > 3,32M) has been validated to be sure that each test have either two matching results from different users, either mathematical proof of correctness (LLR2). During verification, we found a missed prime 65·23369359+1.

On the next phase, we will validate PPS work, i.e. tests with n < 3,32M. We will start in range 3M-3,32M for applicable k's and go down - i.e. when this range will be finished, we'll test 2M-3M, then 1M-2M, and so on. As we'll go down, tasks will became shorter and shorter and will be completed faster.
27 May 2021, 18:47:43 UTC

GFN-14 MEGA is finished!

13 Apr 2021, last GFN-14 MEGA workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+600000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Two GFN-14 MEGA primes were found. Thank you!
13 Apr 2021, 6:11:15 UTC

GFN-13 MEGA Project will be started 2021-03-27

Next project in GFN-MEGA series, GFN-13 First MEGA Prime Search, will be started March 27, 2020, at 09:00 UTC. It replaces finished GFN-14 MEGA project. Please check a thread on PrimeGrid GFN Forum for full announcement and instructions.
27 Mar 2021, 6:37:10 UTC

We're on The Science Cloud!

GFN Server is now supported on The Science Cloud (TSC). TSC is a service where you can buy preconfigured Boinc virtual machines and attach them to supported Boinc servers with just a few mouse clicks. It's useful when running your own hardware can be costly due to high electricity/cooling prices, or if you just want to spend few bucks to give yourself or your team a boost in the challenge.
26 Mar 2021, 6:01:40 UTC

Missed PPS-MEGA Prime found!

The "LLR2 Testing" project, which is currently double-checking suspicious PPS-MEGA results from PrimeGrid, has found a missed 1014280-digits prime 65·23369359+1. Congratulations to Kellen!
27 Jan 2021, 18:26:00 UTC

New project - Search for small GFN primes

New GPU project, GFN-1x Small Primes, will be started January 21 2021 at 09:00 UTC

Please see PrimeGrid forum thread for full announcement.
19 Jan 2021, 12:30:52 UTC

GFN-14 Project is finished!

10 Jan 2021, last GFN-14 task (do not confuse with GFN-14 MEGA) was returned and validated!

GFN-14 was second public project on this server, started in October 2017. In these years, we did two-pass testing of all candidates up to 400M, finding 10143 new GFN-14 primes and double-checking 161 previously known. A list of known GFN-14 primes is updated.

Thank you very much - all of you who participated in this project!
10 Jan 2021, 12:55:33 UTC

GFN-14 MEGA Project will be started 2020-12-05

Next project in GFN-MEGA series, GFN-14 First MEGA Prime Search, will be started December 05, 2020, at 09:00 UTC.

Please check a thread on PrimeGrid GFN Forum for full announcement and instructions.
3 Dec 2020, 19:35:27 UTC

GFN-15 MEGA Project is finished!

02 Dec 2020, last GFN-15 MEGA workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+1000000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Thank you!
1 Dec 2020, 21:40:40 UTC

GFN-15 MEGA Project will be started 2020-06-27

GFN-15 First MEGA Prime Search will be started June 27, 2020, at 12:00 UTC.

Please check a thread on PrimeGrid GFN Forum for full announcement and instructions.
26 Jun 2020, 21:31:59 UTC

GFN-16 Project is finished!

05 May 2020, last GFN-16 workunit was returned and validated, finishing cleanup of the project at bmin+310000.

The project is officially finished and closed now. Thank you!
6 May 2020, 19:02:16 UTC

GFN-13 Project is finished!

01 May 2020, last GFN-13 task was returned and validated!

GFN-13 was first public project on this server, started in October 2016. In these years, we did two-pass testing of all candidates up to 400M, finding 21201 new GFN-13 primes and double-checking 902 previously known.

Thank you very much - all of you who participated in this project!
3 May 2020, 12:36:22 UTC

A note to new users

Although all applications on this server will run out of box, some manual tweaking via app_config.xml is recommended for advanced users to get maximum performance out of fast modern GPUs and multi-core processors.

Please consider reading following posts on PrimeGrid forum (they include registration instructions and invitation code as well):

GFN-16 MEGA Prime Search (how to setup multi-threaded LLR);
GFN-13 / GFN-14 Prime Search (run 3-4 tasks in parallel to fully utilize modern GPUs).
2 Oct 2019, 12:11:11 UTC

GFN-16 First MEGA Prime search started March, 14, 2019

Please see PrimeGrid forum for description and instructions.
14 Mar 2019, 13:00:27 UTC

GFN-13 Consecutive Primes Hunt is complete

The GFN-13 Consecutive Primes search was completed 2019-02-26 in 63 days, finding one extra pair. Currently total of 3 pairs are known for GFN-13 in 0M-400M range.

We're running traditional search for primes on all remaning candidates of GFN-13 and GFN-14 now.
28 Feb 2019, 8:09:07 UTC

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