GFN-12 / 13 / 14 Complete Combined Statistic
Created: 2024-07-27 03:00:02 UTC

Click on user name to see primes discovered in last year (2023+), if they exist. This is same as clicking on 2023+ column.

Click on corresponding year to see archived discoveries.

Project: GFN-12

Project complete, click to see final statistic

Project: GFN-13

Project complete, click to see final statistic

Project: GFN-13-2G

Project complete, click to see final statistic

Project: GFN-14

Project complete, click to see final statistic

Project: GFN-14-2G

Project complete, click to see final statistic

Note 1. Scores assigned according to PrimeGrid rules. Doublechecker gets half of score.
Note 2. This page is updated every 6 hours.

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